STENCILING Your company name or other important information can be stenciled on opposite corners of your containers. One inch or two inch all CAPITAL letters are standard. Letter size and number of characters are limited by the size of the container and the available flat surface.
Myton offers multi-color graphic transfers using MOLD IN GRAPHIC SYSTEMS®. These transfers are NOT decals. Company name, logo, consecutive numbering or other important information can be permanently molded into the container surface. Minimum quantities required.

Adhesive-backed Vinyl Graphics provide a high quality solution for an application needing high resolution images and text. Graphics help promote your company and create brand awareness. Vinyl Graphics and text endure tough environmental conditions like sunlight, moisture and abrasion. Graphic size is limited by the size of the container and the available flat surface.
Keep track of your plastic containers with a sequential numbering system. Two inch numbers are stenciled on opposite corners of your containers.